1.緣慧潤生 A Landmark of the Mind
2.綠掩重樓 A Green Lush Screen over the Compus Buildings
3.荷塘月色 A Moonlight View of the Lotus Pond
4.康莊迎曦 A Boulevard Welcoming the Dawning Day
5.率意通衢 The Stroller’s Thoroughfare
6.風亭九思 The Wind Pavilion of Chosy (meditation)
7.思園春曉 The Garden of Eternal Spring-Szuyuan
8.南台遠眺 A South Height for a Distant Views
9.西亭笑語 A West-Side Place for Chats and Laughs
10.松林立翠 Emerald Pines
11.竹園映亭 The Pavilion in the Bamboo Grove