Our school emphasizes the precept of pragmatism for the idea has been mentioned constantly in our mottos: from “Learn and work practically” (Vocational College, 1904-1912), to “Seek the truths from facts” (NCTU, 1930s), and lastly to “Absorb the new to look far ahead, and work pragmatically” (handwriting of the former President, Hung-Hsun Ling, 1974). In highlighting the special qualities of education and capturing the characteristics of the students at NCTU, these mottos are quite profound.

1. Current NCTU Motto
“Absorb the new to look far ahead, and work pragmatically.”
— Calligraphy by NCTU President Hung-Hsun Ling (Chu-Ming), 1974
2. Mottos of the mainland era
(1) Motto of the Vocational College of Higher Education (1904-1912)
“Learn and work practically.”
(2) Motto of the Shanghai campus (1920s)
“Study assiduously, resolve to succeed, act decisively, and manage affairs with magnanimity.”
(3) Motto of National Chiao Tung University (1930s)
“Seek the truths from facts.”