1958 Established graduate-level “Institute of Electronics”, which was the first place for educating advanced talents of the field.
1963 Established the first “Transistor Laboratory” in Taiwan.
1964 Fabricated the first “point contact transistor” in Taiwan.
1964 Set up the first “Semiconductor Laboratory” in a research factory.
1965 Chun-Yen Chang and Shuang-Fa Guo produced the first batch of “planar bipolar-junction transistors” in Taiwan under Prof. Ruei-Fu Chang’s instruction.
1965 Proposed a prospectus of the first transistor experimental factory in Taiwan.
1966 Chun-Yen Chang and Shuang-Fa Guo fabricated the first “metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor” and “integrated circuit” under Prof. Huang-Chang Ling’s instruction.1995 NCTU professors’ papers in the periodicals of IEEEED and EDL started to grow, yielding unusually brilliant results in the fields.
1995 NCTU professors’ papers in the periodicals of IEEEED and EDL started to grow, yielding unusually brilliant results in the fields.